The 4th International Network of Twin Registries Consortium

The 4th International Network of Twin Registries Consortium Meeting The 4th International Network of Twin Registries (INTR) Consortium was held in Osaka, Japan in September 2015. It was hosted by the Center for Twin Research, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. Prof. Athula Sumathipala represented the Sri Lanka Twin registry, and was also invited as a Speaker at…

Institute for Research and Development

Patient & Public, Involvement through MERC Programmes

Patient & Public, Involvement through MERC Programmes Multiples Engaging in Research through Culture (MERC) programme, was fielded to encourage public involvement & engagement in research. Stage 1 A cultural festival amongst twins was held at the NCEF Buddhist School, Angoda on 15th December 2009, under the theme “Art for Scientific Research”. Competitions included dancing, singing,…