Institute for Research and Development

Action Research Course: Learning & Mental Processes of School Children

Action Research Course: Learning & Mental Processes of School Children An action research course on the “Learning & Mental Processes of School Children” was conducted by IRD for teachers and social workers. Resource persons included Dr Godwin Kodituwakku, Dr Sudath Samaraweera, Dr Buddhika Abeyrathna (Senior Registrar in Psychiatry), and Dr Anushka Adikari. The second part of…

Institute for Research and Development

Research Leaders Training Programme, 2014

Research Leaders Training Programme, 2014 A one year long training programme to train research leaders in the Sri Lankan health sector commenced in 2014. Participants with different backgrounds such as medical and nursing were involved in the training. The first workshop was held in October 2014 and gave a broad overview of different research methodologies…

Institute for Research and Development

2nd Annual International Course on Qualitative Methods for Health and Social Care Research.

2nd Annual International Course on Qualitative MethodsQualitative Methods for Health and Social Care Research. The 2nd International Course on Qualitative Methods for Health and Social Care Research was held at Institute for Research & Development in 2013. Twenty multidisciplinary participants from different institutions attended the three day workshop. The resource persons were Dr. Tine Van…

Institute for Research and Development

1st Annual International Course on Qualitative Methods for Health and Social Care Research.

1st International Course on Qualitative MethodsQualitative Methods for Health and Social Care Research The 1st International Course on Qualitative Methods for Health and Social Care Research was held at Institute for Research & Development in 2012. Twenty multidisciplinary participants from different institutions attended the three day workshop. The resource persons were Dr. Tine Van Bortel, Dr. Chesmal…