Ethical issues in global mental health trials

ChapterEthical issues in global mental health trials Sumathipala, A., & Fernando, B. June 2014. G. Thornicroft & V. Patel (Eds.), Global mental health trials (pp. 123-138). Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-968046-7 doi: 10.1093/med/9780199680467.003.0008 Abstract The aim of this chapter is to examine crucial ethical issues related to conducting RCTs that evaluate innovative packages of care…

Research infrastructure

ChapterResearch infrastructure Sumathipala, A. 2014. S. Okpaku (Eds.), Essentials of global mental health (pp. 407-415). Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1-139-13634-1 doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139136341.046 Excerpt Despite infrastructure being widely cited as a core component of research capacity building, it has been restricted to a narrow category of physical or administrative inputs. The terms research infrastructure, capacity, and…

Development of metaphors to explain cognitive behavioural principles for patients with medically unexplained symptoms in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleDevelopment of metaphors to explain cognitive behavioural principles for patients with medically unexplained symptoms in Sri Lanka Athula Sumathipala March 2014 International Journal of Social Psychiatry, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 117 – 124 doi: Abstract Background: Medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) are common in primary care across cultures, accounting for high consultations with multiple…

When Relief Comes from a Different Culture: Sri Lanka’s Experience of the Asian Tsunami

ChapterWhen Relief Comes from a Different Culture: Sri Lanka’s Experience of the Asian Tsunami Sumathipala, A. 2014. D.P. O’Mathúna, B. Gordijn & M. Clarke (Eds.), Disaster bioethics: Normative issues when nothing is normal (pp. 65-76). Springer. ISBN: 978-94-007-3864-5 doi: Abstract Many disasters involve international assistance and bring together different cultures that might otherwise have…

An intervention to improve mental health care for conflict-affected forced migrants in low-resource primary care settings: a WHO MhGAP-based pilot study in Sri Lanka (COM-GAP study)

Journal ArticleAn intervention to improve mental health care for conflict-affected forced migrants in low-resource primary care settings: a WHO MhGAP-based pilot study in Sri Lanka (COM-GAP study) Chesmal Siriwardhana, Anushka Adikari, Tine Van Bortel, Paul McCrone & Athula Sumathipala December 2013 Trials, Volume 14, Article 423 (2013) doi: Abstract Background Inadequacy in mental health care…

Total somatic symptom score as a predictor of health outcome in somatic symptom disorders

Journal ArticleTotal somatic symptom score as a predictor of health outcome in somatic symptom disorders Barbara Tomenson, Cecilia Essau, Frank Jacobi, Karl Heinz Ladwig, Kari Ann Leiknes, Roselind Lieb, Gunther Meinlschmidt, John McBeth, Judith Rosmalen, Winfried Rief, Athula Sumathipala and Francis Creed November 2013 British Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 203, Issue 5, Pages 373 -…

Impact of exposure to conflict, tsunami and mental disorders on school absenteeism: findings from a national sample of Sri Lankan children aged 12–17 years

Journal ArticleImpact of exposure to conflict, tsunami and mental disorders on school absenteeism: findings from a national sample of Sri Lankan children aged 12–17 years Chesmal Siriwardhana, Gayani Pannala, Sisira Siribaddana, Athula Sumathipala & Robert Stewart June 2013 BMC Public Health, Volume 13, Article 560, Pages 1 – 9 doi: Abstract Background Armed conflicts and…

Prolonged Internal Displacement and Common Mental Disorders in Sri Lanka: The COMRAID Study

Journal ArticleProlonged Internal Displacement and Common Mental Disorders in Sri Lanka: The COMRAID Study Chesmal Siriwardhana, Anushka Adikari, Gayani Pannala, Sisira Siribaddana, Melanie Abas, Athula Sumathipala & Robert Stewart May 2013 PLOS ONE, Volume 8, Issue 5, Article e64742 doi: Abstract Background Evidence is lacking on the mental health issues of internally displaced persons, particularly…

Ethical challenges in mental health research among internally displaced people: ethical theory and research implementation

Journal ArticleEthical challenges in mental health research among internally displaced people: ethical theory and research implementation Chesmal Siriwardhana, Anushka Adikari, Kaushalya Jayaweera & Athula Sumathipala March 2013 BMC Medical Ethics, Volume 14, Article 13(2013), Pages 1 – 8 doi: Abstract Millions of people undergo displacement in the world. Internally displaced people (IDP) are especially vulnerable…

Forced migration and mental health: prolonged internal displacement, return migration and resilience

Journal ArticleForced migration and mental health: prolonged internal displacement, return migration and resilience Chesmal Siriwardhana & Robert Stewart March 2013 International Health, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 19 – 23 doi: Abstract Forced internal displacement has been rising steadily, mainly due to conflict. Many internally displaced people (IDP) experience prolonged displacement. Global research evidence suggests…

“We lost all we had in a second”: coping with grief and loss after a natural disaster

Journal Article“We lost all we had in a second”: coping with grief and loss after a natural disaster Samanthika Ekanayake, Martin Prince, Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana & Craig Morgan February 2013 World Psychiatry, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 69 -75 doi:10.1002/wps.20018 Abstract Natural disasters cause immense suffering among affected communities. Most occur in developing countries,…

Association of somatoform disorders with anxiety and depression in women in low and middle income countries: A systematic review

Journal ArticleAssociation of somatoform disorders with anxiety and depression in women in low and middle income countries: A systematic review. Rahul Shidhaye, Emily Mendenhall, Kethakie Sumathipala, Athula Sumathipala & Vikram Patel February 2013 International Review of Psychiatry, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 65 – 76 doi:10.3109/09540261.2012.748651 Abstract Background: Across cultures, women are more likely than…