Effect of exogenous estradiol on the gonadal morphology and morphometry of the male chickens (Gallus domesticus)

AbstractEffect of exogenous estradiol on the gonadal morphology and morphometry of the male chickens (Gallus domesticus) Nirmali, R., Warnakula, L., Cooray, R., Hapuarachchi, N., & Magamage, M.P.S. 27th – 28th September 2018 Towards a Safer Future, Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICe 2018), University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka doi: Abstract Not Available. Full Text OnlinePDFPoster

Primary Mental Health Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

ChapterPrimary Mental Health Care in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Isaac, M., Gureje, O., & Sumathipala, A. 2018. L. Gask, T. Kendrick, R. Peveler, & C. Chew-Graham (Eds.), Primary care mental health (pp. 54-69). Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-1-911-62303-8 doi: 10.1017/9781911623038.006 Excerpt In the early 1970s, comprehensive and authoritative reviews of psychiatric disorders in lowand middle-income…

Determination of testicular estrogen receptor α expression of male chickens (Gallus Domesticus) with age

AbstractDetermination of testicular estrogen receptor α expression of male chickens (Gallus Domesticus) with age Nirmali, R., Warnakula, L., Cooray, R., Hapuarachchi, N., & Magamage, M.P.S. 24th – 25th August 2018 Extending Frontiers Towards Sustainable Development Goals, 3rd Wayamba International Conference (WinC 2018), Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka Proceedings of the Wayamba University…

SLMA2018_Zygosity analysis - Featured

Validation of Zygosity Determination Questionnaire for Sri Lankan Twins using STR analysis

Initial validation of zygosity determination questionnaire for Sri Lankan twins using STR analysis of 15 unlinked loci and the gender-determining marker amelogenin Warnakula, L., Cooray, R., Hapuarachchi, N.S., Jayaweera, K. & Sumathipala, A. (2018, July 27). Initial validation of zygosity determination questionnaire for Sri Lankan twins using STR analysis of 15 unlinked loci and the…

Initial validation of zygosity determination questionnaire for Sri Lankan twins using STR analysis of 15 unlinked loci and the gender-determining marker amelogenin

AbstractInitial validation of zygosity determination questionnaire for Sri Lankan twins using STR analysis of 15 unlinked loci and the gender-determining marker amelogenin Warnakula, L., Cooray, R., Hapuarachchi, N.S., Jayaweera, K., & Sumathipala, A. 27th August 2018 Shifting focus from diseases to patients: Today’s vision, tomorrow’s reality, 131st Anniversary International Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, Colombo, Sri…

Quality of Sleep & Depression Featured

Associations between Subjective Quality of Sleep & Depression

Associations Between Subjective Quality of Sleep and Depression in a Population Based Sample in Colombo, Sri Lanka Jayaweera, K. (2018, February). Associations between subjective quality of sleep & depression in a population based sample in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Innovation in Psychiatry: Effective Interventions for Health and Society. Poster presented at 2018 Thematic Congress, World Psychiatric…

Protein Overexpression in Different E. coli Strains for Industrial Scale Drug Development in Sri Lanka

AbstractProtein Overexpression in Different E. coli Strains for Industrial Scale Drug Development in Sri Lanka Cooray, R., Hapuarachchi, N.S., & Warnakula, L. 1st – 2nd February 2018 Emerging Technologies for an Innovative Green Economy, 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU 2018), Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the International Research Symposium 2018, (pp. 102). doi: Abstract…

IRSUWU2018_Date palm II - Featured

Agricultural, Economical & Ecological Importance of Ceylon Date Palm & Future Research

Agricultural, Economical and Ecological Importance of Phoenix pusilla (Ceylon Date Palm) and Its Future Research Perspectives Hapuarachchi, N.S., Warnakula, L., Cooray, R., Dayarathne, D.A.R.K., & Safeena, M.I.S. (2018, February 1-2). Agricultural, economical and ecological importance of Phonix pusilla (Ceylon date palm) and its future research perspectives. Emerging Technologies for an Innovative Green Economy [Poster session]…

IRSUWU2018_Protein Overexpression II - Featured

Protein Overexpression in Different E. coli Strains for Industrial Scale Drug Development in Sri Lanka

Protein Overexpression in Different E. coli Strains for Industrial Scale Drug Development in Sri Lanka Cooray, R., Hapuarachchi, N.S., & Warnakula, L. (2018, February 1-2). Protein overexpression in different E. coli strains for industrial scale drug development in Sri Lanka. Emerging Technologies for an Innovative Green Economy [Poster session] 2nd International Research Symposium (IRSUWU 2018),…