District Level Workshops for Psychological Mitigation

District Level Workshops for Psychological Mitigation

District Level Workshops for Psychological Mitigation By Ruwan Laknath Jayakody Professionals must work together for disaster preparedness and mitigation, especially in the case of manmade disasters such as the 21 April Easter Sunday attacks and in the aftermath of such, noted Director to the President, Dr. Samantha Kumara Kithalawaarachchi. Speaking to Ceylon Today, Dr. Kithalawaarachchi…

Complex Psychology of Terrorism

Complex Psychology of Terrorism H G S Prematunge | Cover Story | May 17, 2019 | Counterpoint The Easter Bombings that left 253 people dead and at least 500 others injured, is making psychological ripple effects, with sporadic incidents of violence reported from areas such as Negombo, Chilaw, Kuliyapitiya, Bingiriya and Dummalasuriya, intermittent banning of…

The association between emotional eating and depressive symptoms: a population-based twin study in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleThe association between emotional eating and depressive symptoms: a population-based twin study in Sri Lanka Moritz P. Herle, Carol Kan, Kaushalya Jayaweera, Anushka Adikari, Sisira Siribaddana, Helena M.S. Zavos, Milana Smolkina, Athula Sumathipala, Clare Llewellyn, Khalida Ismail, Matthew Hotopf, Janet Treasure & Frühling Rijsdijk May 2019 Epidemiology and Genomics, Volume 4, Article e4, Pages…