COVID-19 Featured

COVID-19 Diary Study

COVID-19 Diary Study Background Study Title COVID-19 පැතිරීම, ස්වයං හුදෙකළාව සහ සමාජ දුරස්ථභාවය වයස මාස 18 සිට අවුරුදු 5 දක්වා වූ දරුවන්ගේ සහ ඔවුන් රැක බලා ගන්නන්ගේ ජීවිතවලට බලපාන අයුරු ප්‍රධාන රැක බලා ගන්නාගේ දිනපොත තුළින් තේරුම් ගැනීම Understanding the impact of COVID-19 global pandemic (including self-isolation and quarantine measures) on the lives of young…

ගුණවත් නැණවත් සෞඛ්‍යවත් පිරිසක් ඇති කිරීමට

ගුණවත් නැණවත් සෞඛ්‍යවත් පිරිසක් ඇති කිරීමට Discussion between Prof. Athula Sumathipala, Prof. Gominda Ponnamperuma, Prof. Samanmali Sumanasena, Dr. Asiri Hewamalage, Dr. Tamara Handy & Dr. Enoka Wickramasinghe on education and social well-being in Sri Lanka during the COVID-19 pandemic. This discussion, organized by the Nugasewana programme of the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation was broadcast on…

COVID19 Discussion 24APR2020

මේ දිනවල මහජනතාව ලෙස අපගේ කාර්යභාරය කුමක්ද

මේ දිනවල මහජනතාව ලෙස අපගේ කාර්යභාරය කුමක්ද Discussion with Prof. Athula Sumathipala on efforts made towards containing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka. This discussion, organized by the Nugasewana programme of the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation was broadcast on the 24th of April 2020.   Original Video:

Ethics and research in psychiatry: Consent, capacity, and bioethics

ChapterEthics and research in psychiatry: Consent, capacity, and bioethics Fernando, B.L., & Sumathipala, A. April 2020. J. Das-Munshi, T. Ford, M. Hotopf, M. Prince, & R. Stewart (Eds.), Practical psychiatric epidemiology (pp. n/a). Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-873556-4 doi: 10.1093/med/9780198735564.003.0004 Abstract This chapter provides an overview of the principles underlying ethical procedures in psychiatric research,…

COVID19 Discussion 16APR2020

COVID-19 Experience from a Psychological Perspective

COVID-19 Experience from a Psychological Perspective Discussion with Prof. Athula Sumathipala on the COVID-19 pandemic experience in Sri Lanka from a psychological perspective. This discussion, organized by the Pathikada (පැතිකඩ) programme of Sirasa TV was broadcast on the 16th of April 2020.   Original Video:

Challenges of Research in Rural Mental Health in Sri Lanka

ChapterChallenges of Research in Rural Mental Health in Sri Lanka Sumathipala, A., Mahesh, D., & Wijesundara, H. April 2020. S.K. Chaturvedi (Eds.), Mental health and illness in the rural world (pp. 195-220). Springer. ISBN: 978-981-10-2345-3 doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-2345-3_30 Abstract This chapter discusses the challenges of conducting mental health research in rural Sri Lanka. The majority of…

Ethics, a critical friend of research

Journal ArticleEthics, a critical friend of research Sumathipala, A. March 2020 Ceylon Journal of Science, Volume 49, Issue 1, Page 1 doi: Excerpt Ethics is perceived by some at least, as an opponent of research, or as a barrier or even a hindrance. Ethicists and researchers seem to be in two different camps or at…