Research and clinical ethics after the tsunami: Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleResearch and clinical ethics after the tsunami: Sri Lanka Athula Sumathipala & Sisira Siribaddana October 2005 The Lancet, Volume 366, Issue 9495, Pages 1418 – 1420 doi: Excerpt In late 2004, the Journal of Traumatic Stress published a special section about the ethics of disaster research, addressing ethical issues related to conducting research after…

Under-representation of developing countries in the research literature: ethical issues arising from a survey of five leading medical journals

Journal ArticleUnder-representation of developing countries in the research literature: ethical issues arising from a survey of five leading medical journals Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana & Vikram Patel October 2004 BMC Medical Ethics, Volume 5, Article 5(2004), Pages 1 – 6 doi: Abstract Background It is widely acknowledged that there is a global divide on health…

Educational Environment in Traditional and Innovative Medical Schools: A Study in Four Undergraduate Medical Schools

Journal ArticleEducational Environment in Traditional and Innovative Medical Schools: A Study in Four Undergraduate Medical Schools Awdah Al-Hazimi, Raniah Zaini, Abdulmonem Al-Hyiani, Nageeb Hassan, Abdallah Gunaid, Gominda Ponnamperuma, Indika Karunathilake, Sue Roff, Sean Mcaleer, Margery Davis July 2004 Education for Health, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 192-203 Abstract Introduction: The undergraduate curricula of medical schools…

Revisiting “Freely Given Informed Consent” in Relation to the Developing World: Role of an Ombudsman

Journal ArticleRevisiting “Freely Given Informed Consent” in Relation to the Developing World: Role of an Ombudsman Athula Sumathipala & Sisira Siribaddana June 2004 The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages W1 – W7 doi:10.1080/15265160490505498 Abstract Background: Establishment of Sri Lankan Twin Registry demanded development of ethical guidelines, as an effective ethical framework…

Do Patients Volunteer Their Life Weariness and Suicidal Ideations? A Sri Lankan Study

Journal ArticleDo Patients Volunteer Their Life Weariness and Suicidal Ideations? A Sri Lankan Study Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, & Sudath D. Samaraweera 2004 Crisis, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 103 – 107 doi:10.1027/0227-5910.25.3.103  Abstract Summary: Objectives: Sri Lanka has a high suicide rate. The importance of suicidal ideations and their relationship to the Common Mental…

Culture-bound syndromes: the story of dhat syndrome

Journal ArticleCulture-bound syndromes: the story of dhat syndrome A. Sumathipala, S. H. Siribaddana & Dinesh Bhugra March 2004 British Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 184, Issue 3, Pages 200 – 209 doi:10.1192/bjp.184.3.200 Abstract Background Culture-bound syndrome is a term used to describe the uniqueness of some syndromes in specific cultures. Dhat (semen-loss anxiety) has been considered…

Qualitative research

Journal ArticleQualitative research Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana & Nandani De Silva December 2003 Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 48, Issue 4, Pages 136 – 139 doi: Abstract         Qualitative research encompasses a family of methods, which have their origin in ethnography, grounded theory, narrative analysis, phenomenology, etc. These methods originated from the so-called…

Capacity building through multi-disciplinary research: a report from Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleCapacity building through multi-disciplinary research: a report from Sri Lanka Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, Sudath Samaraweera & D. A. R. K. Dayaratne November 2003 British Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 183, Issue 5, Pages 457 – 458 doi:10.1192/bjp.183.5.457 Extract Sri Lanka is an island situated close to the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent with a…

Sri Lankan Twin Registry

Journal ArticleSri Lankan Twin Registry Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, Nimali De Silva, Devaka Fernando, Nihal Abeysingha, Rohana Dayaratne, Deepthi De Silva, Narada Warnasuriya & Mathew Hotopf October 2002 Twin Research, Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 424-426 doi:10.1375/twin.5.5.424 Abstract Sri Lanka is an island with genetic diversity between the five main population groups. Our twin registry…

Feasibility of Using Different Approaches for Recruiting Younger Twins to Establish a Population Based Twin Register in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleFeasibility of Using Different Approaches for Recruiting Younger Twins to Establish a Population Based Twin Register in Sri Lanka Athula Sumathipala, Sisira H.Siribaddana, Nimali De Silva, Nihal M.R. Abeysingha, Sivagurunathan Sivayogam & Devaka J.S.Fernando December 2001 Twin Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, Pages 459 – 463 doi:10.1375/twin.4.6.459 Abstract Identifying twins for a population-based register…

Students’ perception of problem-based learning in the medical curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo

Journal ArticleStudents’ perception of problem-based learning in the medical curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo R. De A. Seneviratne, D.D. Samarasekera, I.M. Karunathilake & G.G. Ponnamperuma July 2001 Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore, Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 379 – 381 Abstract INTRODUCTION: Problem-based learning (PBL) is used as an…