Integrating mental health into primary care for post‑conflict populations: A pilot study

Journal ArticleIntegrating mental health into primary care for post‑conflict populations: A pilot study Chesmal Siriwardhana, Anushka Adikari, Kaushalya Jayaweera, Buddhika Abeyrathna & Athula Sumathipala February 2016 International Journal of Mental Health Systems, Volume 10, Article 12 (2016) doi: Abstract Background Mental health care in post-conflict settings is often not prioritized, despite its important public health…

Discrimination in the workplace, reported by people with major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional study in 35 countries

Journal ArticleDiscrimination in the workplace, reported by people with major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional study in 35 countries E. P. M. Brouwers, J. Mathijssen, T. Van Bortel, L. Knifton, K. Wahlbeck, C. Van Audenhove, N. Kadri, Ch Chang, B. R. Goud, D. Ballester, L. F. Tófoli, R. Bello, M. F. Jorge-Monteiro, H. Zäske, I. Milaćić,…

Exposure to conflict and disaster: A national survey on the prevalence of psychotic experiences in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleExposure to conflict and disaster: A national survey on the prevalence of psychotic experiences in Sri Lanka Arune Keraite, Athula Sumathipala, Chesmal Siriwardhana, Craig Morgan & Ulrich Reininghaus January 2016 Schizophrenia Research, Volume 171, Issues 1 – 3, Pages 79 – 85 Abstract Recent research conducted in high-income countries suggests psychotic experiences are…