Reducing the scarcity in mental health research from low and middle income countries: A success story from Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleReducing the scarcity in mental health research from low and middle income countries: A success story from Sri Lanka Chesmal Siriwardhana, Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, Sudath Samaraweera, Nihal Abeysinghe, Martin Prince & Matthew Hotopf February 2011 International Review of Psychiatry, Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 77 – 83 doi:10.3109/09540261.2010.545991 Abstract There is an enormous…

Genetic and Environmental Contributions to the Overlap Between Psychological, Fatigue and Somatic Symptoms: A Twin Study in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleGenetic and Environmental Contributions to the Overlap Between Psychological, Fatigue and Somatic Symptoms: A Twin Study in Sri Lanka Harriet A. Ball, Sisira H. Siribaddana, Athula Sumathipala, Yulia Kovas, Nick Glozier, Frühling Rijsdijk, Peter McGuffin & Matthew Hotopf February 2011 Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 53 – 63 doi:10.1375/twin.14.1.53…