Under-representation of developing countries in the research literature: ethical issues arising from a survey of five leading medical journals

Journal ArticleUnder-representation of developing countries in the research literature: ethical issues arising from a survey of five leading medical journals Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana & Vikram Patel October 2004 BMC Medical Ethics, Volume 5, Article 5(2004), Pages 1 – 6 doi:https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6939-5-5 Abstract Background It is widely acknowledged that there is a global divide on health…

Educational Environment in Traditional and Innovative Medical Schools: A Study in Four Undergraduate Medical Schools

Journal ArticleEducational Environment in Traditional and Innovative Medical Schools: A Study in Four Undergraduate Medical Schools Awdah Al-Hazimi, Raniah Zaini, Abdulmonem Al-Hyiani, Nageeb Hassan, Abdallah Gunaid, Gominda Ponnamperuma, Indika Karunathilake, Sue Roff, Sean Mcaleer, Margery Davis July 2004 Education for Health, Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 192-203 Abstract Introduction: The undergraduate curricula of medical schools…

Revisiting “Freely Given Informed Consent” in Relation to the Developing World: Role of an Ombudsman

Journal ArticleRevisiting “Freely Given Informed Consent” in Relation to the Developing World: Role of an Ombudsman Athula Sumathipala & Sisira Siribaddana June 2004 The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages W1 – W7 doi:10.1080/15265160490505498 Abstract Background: Establishment of Sri Lankan Twin Registry demanded development of ethical guidelines, as an effective ethical framework…

Do Patients Volunteer Their Life Weariness and Suicidal Ideations? A Sri Lankan Study

Journal ArticleDo Patients Volunteer Their Life Weariness and Suicidal Ideations? A Sri Lankan Study Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, & Sudath D. Samaraweera 2004 Crisis, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 103 – 107 doi:10.1027/0227-5910.25.3.103  Abstract Summary: Objectives: Sri Lanka has a high suicide rate. The importance of suicidal ideations and their relationship to the Common Mental…

Culture-bound syndromes: the story of dhat syndrome

Journal ArticleCulture-bound syndromes: the story of dhat syndrome A. Sumathipala, S. H. Siribaddana & Dinesh Bhugra March 2004 British Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 184, Issue 3, Pages 200 – 209 doi:10.1192/bjp.184.3.200 Abstract Background Culture-bound syndrome is a term used to describe the uniqueness of some syndromes in specific cultures. Dhat (semen-loss anxiety) has been considered…