What is the evidence for the efficacy of treatment for somatoform disorders?

ChapterWhat is the evidence for the efficacy of treatment for somatoform disorders?A Critical Review of Previous Intervention Studies Sumathipala, A. 2009. J.E. Dimsdale, Y. Xin,  A. Kleinman, V. Patel, W.E. Narrow, P.J. Sirovatka, & D.A. Regier (Eds.), Somatic presentations of mental disorders: Refining the research agenda for DSM-V (pp. 103-130). American Psychiatric Association. ISBN: 978-0-89042-342-4…

Study guides

ChapterStudy guides Davis M.H., & Ponnamperuma G.G. 2009. E. Balistrieri & G. DeNino (Eds.), New research in education: Adult, medical & vocational (Education in a competitive and globalizing world) (pp. n/a). Nova Science Publishers Inc. ISBN: 978-1607418733 doi:  Abstract Not Available. Full Text OnlinePDF