Sri Lankan Twin Registry: Challenges, Barriers and Lessons Learned

AbstractSri Lankan Twin Registry: Challenges, Barriers and Lessons Learned Sumathipala A. & Siribaddana S.H. 07th – 10th June 2007 12th International Congress on Twin Studies (ICTS2007), Ghent, Belgium | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 10, Issue S1, Page 53 doi:10.1375/twin.10.supp.23 Abstract As with any new initiatives, we faced many obstacles. Determination,…

A Successful Model of a North-South Collaboration

Abstract A Successful Model of a North-South Collaboration Hotopf M., Hewage S., & Siribaddana S.H. 07th – 10th June 2007 12th International Congress on Twin Studies (ICTS2007), Ghent, Belgium | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 10, Issue S1, Page 35 doi:10.1375/twin.10.supp.23 Abstract This presentation will describe the process of setting up…

The Heritability of Somatic Symptoms in a Sri Lankan Twin Sample

AbstractThe Heritability of Somatic Symptoms in a Sri Lankan Twin Sample Ball H.A., Siribaddana S., Sumathipala A., McGuffin P., & Hotopf M. 07th – 10th June 2007 12th International Congress on Twin Studies (ICTS2007), Ghent, Belgium | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 10, Issue S1, Page 23 doi:10.1375/twin.10.supp.23 Abstract Few twin…