Feasibility of Using Birth Records for Recruiting Older Twins for the Sri Lankan Twin Registry

AbstractFeasibility of Using Birth Records for Recruiting Older Twins for the Sri Lankan Twin Registry Dayaratne, D.A.R.K., Sumathipala, A., Fernando, D.J.S., Siribaddana, S.H., De Silva, N., & Abeysingha, N. 4th – 7th July 2001 10th International Congress on Twin Studies, South Kensington, London | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 4,…

Early Report on the Availability of Island Wide Twin Data in the Central Birth Registration Department

AbstractEarly Report on the Availability of Island Wide Twin Data in the Central Birth Registration Department De Silva, N., Sumathipala, A., Fernando, D.J.S., Abeysingha, N., Siribaddana, S.H., Dayaratne, D.A.R.K., De Silva, D., & Warnasuriya, N.D.W. 4th – 7th July 2001 10th International Congress on Twin Studies, South Kensington, London | International Society for Twin Studies Twin…

Starting from scratch in Sri Lanka

AbstractStarting from scratch in Sri Lanka Sumathipala, A. 4th – 7th July 2001 10th International Congress on Twin Studies, South Kensington, London | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 4, Issue 3, Page 209, Abstract 235S doi:10.1375/twin.4.3.168 Abstract Commitment against obstacles and basic knowledge was vital, but books and journals were a scarcity. This…