30JAN2005 Psychological Effects in Children after Disaster

Psychological Effects in Children After Disaster

Management of Psychological Effects in Children after Disaster A workshop on the “Management of Psychological Effects in Children after Disaster” was held on the 30th of January 2005 at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital. It was conducted targeting psychiatrists, psychologists, medical officers, paediatricians, community physicians & general practitioners. The workshop was organized by the Institute for…

Prevent, Re-traumatization of Traumatized

Prevent, Re-traumatization of Traumatized 2004 Tsunami disaster was followed by a huge influx of foreign organisations and individuals offering humanitarian aid, including counselling to Sri Lankan survivors. When research is combined with humanitarian aid, and at times clinical care (therapeutic misconception), there can be undue inducement for participation, in this vulnerable population. It might not…