The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries: A follow-up discussion paper

The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries:A follow-up discussion paper Contributed to the 2005, Nuffield Council of Bioethics, the follow-up discussion paper, ‘The User Perspective from the Researchers Point’, on the new developments and revisions to guidelines on the ethics of research in developing countries. Read the Discussion Paper

Prevent, Re-traumatization of Traumatized

Prevent, Re-traumatization of Traumatized 2004 Tsunami disaster was followed by a huge influx of foreign organisations and individuals offering humanitarian aid, including counselling to Sri Lankan survivors. When research is combined with humanitarian aid, and at times clinical care (therapeutic misconception), there can be undue inducement for participation, in this vulnerable population. It might not…

Bioethics Intensive Course, 2003

Bioethics Intensive Course, 2003Ethics: Missing Link in the Quest for Health Equity In 2003 the Wellcome Trust bioethics Programme funded us to carryout an intensive course in Bioethics in Sri Lanka. The first intensive bioethics course  was held over 3-weekends (7 days) within 3 months; 14th-15th August, 13th-14th of September and 24th-26th of October 2003.…