Global Health Emergencies Ethical Issues

Research in global health emergencies: ethical issues

Research in global health emergencies: ethical issuesThe Nuffield Council on BioethicsInstitute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care, contributions toward bioethics cited 7 times         The Institute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care (IRD) takes pride in our contributions towards Disaster Ethics, under the leadership of Prof.…

Independent publication cites institute’s contributions toward bioethics

Research as Development: Biomedical Research, Ethics, and Collaboration in Sri LankaSalla Sariola and Bob SimpsonInstitute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care, contributions toward bioethics cited in independent publication The following are extracts from the book Research as Development: Biomedical Research, Ethics, and Collaboration in Sri Lanka by Salla Sariola and Bob Simpson…

Ethical Issues in Post-Disaster Clinical Interventions and Research

Ethical Issues in Post-Disaster Clinical Interventions and Research Published the paper ‘Ethical Issues in Post-Disaster Clinical Interventions and Research: A Developing World Perspective. Key Findings from a Drafting and Consensus Generation Meeting of the Working Group on Disaster Research and Ethics (WGDRE) 2007’, in the June 2010, Asian Bioethics Review; Volume 2, Issue 2 This…

The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries: A follow-up discussion paper

The ethics of research related to healthcare in developing countries:A follow-up discussion paper Contributed to the 2005, Nuffield Council of Bioethics, the follow-up discussion paper, ‘The User Perspective from the Researchers Point’, on the new developments and revisions to guidelines on the ethics of research in developing countries. Read the Discussion Paper

Research Ethics from a Developing World Perspective

Research Ethics from a Developing World Perspective Published a book titled ‘Research Ethics from a Developing World Perspective’, circulated locally and internationally among interested academics, and organizations. The book was published after incorporating the suggestions received from these individuals. The World Health Organization lists this publication under its ‘Tools and resources’ section for ‘Human Genomics…