Round Table Discussion: Ethical Practices & Teachings

Round Table DiscussionEthical Practices & Teachings followed by the Local Institutions in Sri Lanka Following the inauguration ceremony of the ‘International Ethics Teachers’ Training Course’ a round table discussion, led by Institute for Research and Development was held to discuss existing ethical practices, opportunities for teaching ethics, teaching methods followed in Sri Lanka and the…

Global Networking

Global Networking We aim to establish local, regional & international networks, with individuals & organisations involved in ethics. In order to achieve this, we have successfully established collaborations with academics in; South Africa, The SAARC Region (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), Vietnam, America (United States of America & Canada), Australia, The World Health Organization (WHO). The SAARC…

Featured Bioethics Concensus Generation Meeting 2007

Consensus Generation Meeting: Disaster Research & Ethics

Consensus Generation MeetingDisaster Research & Ethics: A Developing World Perspective Consensus Generation Meeting on ‘Disaster Research and Ethics from a Developing World Perspective’ was held on 13th January 2007 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo 7 from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon. Similarly, in parallel bioethics initiatives had taken place in other core-group countries. Networking…

Prevent, Re-traumatization of Traumatized

Prevent, Re-traumatization of Traumatized 2004 Tsunami disaster was followed by a huge influx of foreign organisations and individuals offering humanitarian aid, including counselling to Sri Lankan survivors. When research is combined with humanitarian aid, and at times clinical care (therapeutic misconception), there can be undue inducement for participation, in this vulnerable population. It might not…