Easter Tragedy

Easter Tragedy 2019

The 2019 Easter Tragedy     On Easter Sunday, 21st April 2019, an extremist group carried out coordinated attacks which targeted Sri Lankan civilians at their places of worship and socialization. While the lives lost did include foreign nationals, the majority were those of locals who were unrelated to the cause of the extremist group.…

The association between emotional eating and depressive symptoms: a population-based twin study in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleThe association between emotional eating and depressive symptoms: a population-based twin study in Sri Lanka Moritz P. Herle, Carol Kan, Kaushalya Jayaweera, Anushka Adikari, Sisira Siribaddana, Helena M.S. Zavos, Milana Smolkina, Athula Sumathipala, Clare Llewellyn, Khalida Ismail, Matthew Hotopf, Janet Treasure & Frühling Rijsdijk May 2019 Epidemiology and Genomics, Volume 4, Article e4, Pages…

Twin Research

South Asian Early Development & Research Capacity Building Project

South Asian Early Development & Research Capacity Building ProjectThe Medical Research Council of the United Kingdom (MRC-UK) launched ‘Confidence in Global Mental Health Research: Institutional “pump-priming” awards to develop new opportunities in Global Mental Health Research’ in July 2017 . Through these awards, the MRC-UK offered a one year grant opportunity to lay the grounds…