Standard setting for medical exams

Journal ArticleStandard setting for medical exams Gominda G. Ponnamperuma & M.H. Davis September 2006 Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 51, Issue 3, Pages 83 – 88 doi:10.4038/cmj.v51i3.1248 Excerpt         ‘Standard’ is defined as “any measure by which one judges a things as authentic, good, or adequate, or the degree to which it is…

Bioethics in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleBioethics in Sri Lanka Athula Sumathipala July 2006 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Volume 12, Issue Supplement 1, Pages 61 – 67 Excerpt Bioethics took off slowly in Sri Lanka, but now there are ethics review committees in many medical schools and national organizations. All medical schools teach some medical ethics but there are not…

Kebithigollewa Tragedy

Kebithigollewa Tragedy 2006

The 2006 Kebithigollewa Tragedy The Kebithigollewa massacre occurred on 15th June 2006 when a Sri Lankan civilian bus was targeted in a claymore attack by a violent terrorist organization. The U.S and the SLMM claimed that a terrorist organization, active within the country at the time, was the perpetrator. The Kebithigollewa incident involved a state…

Management of dead bodies as a component of psychosocial interventions after the tsunami: A view from Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleManagement of dead bodies as a component of psychosocial interventions after the tsunami: A view from Sri Lanka A. Sumathipala, S. Siribaddana & C. Perera June 2006 International Review of Psychiatry, Volume 18, Issue 3, Pages 249 – 257 DOI: 10.1080/09540260600656100 Abstract Even if predicted, disasters may not be completely averted due to reasons…

04JUN2006 MUS Workshop Series II

Medically Unexplained Symptoms: Workshop Series II

Workshop Series IIEvidence based Management of Medically Unexplained Symptoms Series of workshops and follow up workshops conducted by the forum for research and development on ‘Evidence based management of medically unexplained symptoms’ in Anuradhapura, Matara, Hambantota, and college of general practitioners, Colombo in collaboration with Institute of Psychiatry, Kings college, London, UK.

Management of Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Practical Guide

BookManagement of Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms: A Practical Guide Sumathipala, A., Siribaddana, S., Mangwana, S., & de Silva, P. 2006. Forum for Research and Development (Institute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care), Sri Lanka. ISBN: 955-8973-01-7 doi: Key Messages Patients with medically unexplained symptoms are common all over the world in…