2nd National Bioethics Conference

2nd National Bioethics Conference A presentation was given on the work carried out by the Working Group on Disaster Research and Ethics (WGDRE) 2007 on ‘Ethical Issues in Post-Disaster Clinical Interventions and Research’. Second National Bioethics Conference Moral and Ethical Imperatives of Health care Technologies: Scientific, legal and socio-economic perspectives on use and misuse. Organised…

Education in surgery: competency-based training

Journal ArticleEducation in surgery: competency-based training Margery H. Davis & Gominda G. Ponnamperuma November 2007 The Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, Volume 89, Issue 10, Pages 342 – 345 doi:10.1308/147363507X238443 Abstract Competence-based training flourished in the 1980s in several spheres of education. The approach, however, was seen as focusing on units…

South Asian region

ChapterSouth Asian region Patel, V., Sumathipala, A., Khan, M.M., Thapa, S.B., & Rahman, O. 2007. Bhui, K., & Bhugra, D. (Eds.), Culture and mental health: A comprehensive textbook (pp. 212-225). Hodder Arnold. ISBN: 978-0-340-81046-0 doi:  Excerpt This chapter will mainly focus on mental health in India,Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Within the scope of…

Global Networking

Global Networking We aim to establish local, regional & international networks, with individuals & organisations involved in ethics. In order to achieve this, we have successfully established collaborations with academics in; South Africa, The SAARC Region (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), Vietnam, America (United States of America & Canada), Australia, The World Health Organization (WHO). The SAARC…

Sri Lankan Twin Registry: Challenges, Barriers and Lessons Learned

AbstractSri Lankan Twin Registry: Challenges, Barriers and Lessons Learned Sumathipala A. & Siribaddana S.H. 07th – 10th June 2007 12th International Congress on Twin Studies (ICTS2007), Ghent, Belgium | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 10, Issue S1, Page 53 doi:10.1375/twin.10.supp.23 Abstract As with any new initiatives, we faced many obstacles. Determination,…

A Successful Model of a North-South Collaboration

Abstract A Successful Model of a North-South Collaboration Hotopf M., Hewage S., & Siribaddana S.H. 07th – 10th June 2007 12th International Congress on Twin Studies (ICTS2007), Ghent, Belgium | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 10, Issue S1, Page 35 doi:10.1375/twin.10.supp.23 Abstract This presentation will describe the process of setting up…

The Heritability of Somatic Symptoms in a Sri Lankan Twin Sample

AbstractThe Heritability of Somatic Symptoms in a Sri Lankan Twin Sample Ball H.A., Siribaddana S., Sumathipala A., McGuffin P., & Hotopf M. 07th – 10th June 2007 12th International Congress on Twin Studies (ICTS2007), Ghent, Belgium | International Society for Twin Studies Twin Research and Human Genetics, Volume 10, Issue S1, Page 23 doi:10.1375/twin.10.supp.23 Abstract Few twin…

Ophthalmology and trends in medical education

Journal ArticleOphthalmology and trends in medical education Margery H. Davis & Gominda G. Ponnamperuma May 2007 Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Volume 35, Issue 4, Pages 301 – 302 doi:10.1111/j.1442-9071.2007.01507.x Excerpt When Tomorrow’s Doctors was published it signalled a massive change in undergraduate medical education in the UK. One of the most significant recommendations of this…

RCT of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in active suicidal ideation-as feasibility study in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleRCT of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in active suicidal ideation-as feasibility study in Sri Lanka Sudath Samaraweera, S. Sivayogan, Athula Sumathipala, Dinesh Bhugra & Sisira Siribaddana May 2007 The European Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages 175 – 178 http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0213-61632007000300001 Abstract Background and Objectives: With one of the highest rates of suicide in…