Student perceptions of a portfolio assessment process

Journal ArticleStudent perceptions of a portfolio assessment process Margery H. Davis, Gominda G. Ponnamperuma & Jean S. Ker January 2009 Medical Education, Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 89 – 98 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2008.03250.x Abstract Objectives The objectives of this study were to identify and analyse students’ attitudes to the portfolio assessment process over time. Methods  A questionnaire…

Cognitive-behavioural therapy v. structured care for medically unexplained symptoms: randomised controlled trial

Journal ArticleCognitive-behavioural therapy v. structured care for medically unexplained symptoms: randomised controlled trial A. Sumathipala, S. Siribaddana, M. R. N. Abeysingha, P. De Silva, M. Dewey, M. Prince & A. H. Mann July 2008 British Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 193, Issue 1, Pages 51 – 59 doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.107.043190 Abstract Background A pilot trial in Sri Lanka…

Understanding the explanatory model of the patient on their medically unexplained symptoms and its implication on treatment development research: a Sri Lanka Study

Journal ArticleUnderstanding the explanatory model of the patient on their medically unexplained symptoms and its implication on treatment development research: a Sri Lanka Study Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, Suwin Hewege, Kethaki Sumathipala, Martin Prince & Anthony Mann July 2008 BMC Psychiatry, Volume 8, Article 54 (2008), Pages 1 – 10 doi: Abstract Background Patients with…

Colombo Twin and Singleton Study (CoTASS): A description of a population based twin study of mental disorders in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleColombo Twin and Singleton Study (CoTASS): A description of a population based twin study of mental disorders in Sri Lanka Sisira H. Siribaddana, Harriet A. Ball, Suwin N. Hewage, Nick Glozier, Yulia Kovas, D. A. R. K. Dayaratne, Athula Sumathipala, Peter McGuffin & Matthew Hotopf June 2008 BMC Psychiatry, Volume 8, Article 49 (2008),…

Intercollegiate specialty board oral examinations in surgery: purpose, content and marking criteria

Journal ArticleIntercollegiate specialty board oral examinations in surgery: purpose, content and marking criteria M.H. Davis, G.G. Ponnamperuma, S. McAleer & D. Galloway June 2008 South East Asian Journal of Medical Education, Volume 2, Issue 1, Pages 7 – 13 Abstract The traditional viva has been much criticised in the literature for lack of reliability and…

Informed consent in Sri Lanka: A survey among ethics committee members

Journal ArticleInformed consent in Sri Lanka: A survey among ethics committee members Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, Suwin Hewage, Manura Lekamwattage, Manjula Athukorale, Chesmal Siriwardhana, Joanna Murray & Martin Prince May 2008 BMC Medical Ethics, Volume 9, Article 10 (2008), Pages 1 – 7 doi: Abstract Background Approval of the research proposal by an ethical review…

Completed Suicide among Sinhalese in Sri Lanka: A Psychological Autopsy Study

Journal ArticleCompleted Suicide among Sinhalese in Sri Lanka: A Psychological Autopsy Study Sudath Samaraweera, Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, S. Sivayogan & Dinesh Bhugra April 2008 Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior, Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 221 – 228 doi:10.1521/suli.2008.38.2.221 Abstract Sri Lanka has the one of highest rates of suicide. Important factors associated with suicide were…

Ethics Review Committee approval and informed consent: an analysis of biomedical publications originating from Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleEthics Review Committee approval and informed consent: an analysis of biomedical publications originating from Sri Lanka Athula Sumathipala, Sisira Siribaddana, Suwin Hewege, Manura Lekamwattage, Manjula Athukorale, Chesmal Siriwardhana, Joanna Murray & Martin Prince February 2008 BMC Medical Ethics, Volume 9, Article 3 (2008), Pages 1 – 7 doi: Abstract Background International guidelines on research…

Informed Consent in Sri Lanka

Informed Consent in Sri Lanka A research project, funded by the Wellcome Trust, on ethics titled ‘Informed consent in Sri Lanka; current practices, quality of the information leaflets, consent forms and participants understanding of the process’. The aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive review of consent practices in research carried out in…

Medical professionalism: teaching, learning, and assessment

Journal ArticleMedical professionalism: teaching, learning, and assessment Gominda Ponnamperuma, Jean Ker & Margery Davis December 2007 South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 42 – 48 Abstract Professionalism has been variously termed a philosophy, behavioural disposition, skill set, habit, concept having its roots in social justice or social contract. Project Professionalism’s…

What is the Evidence for the Efficacy of Treatments for Somatoform Disorders? A Critical Review of Previous Intervention Studies

Journal ArticleWhat is the Evidence for the Efficacy of Treatments for Somatoform Disorders? A Critical Review of Previous Intervention Studies. Athula Sumathipala December 2007 Psychosomatic Medicine, Volume 69, Issue 9, Pages 889 – 900 doi:10.1097/PSY.0b013e31815b5cf6 Abstract Objective:  To review published literature for the highest level of evidence on the efficacy of treatment for patients with…