Study guides

ChapterStudy guides Davis M.H., & Ponnamperuma G.G. 2009. E. Balistrieri & G. DeNino (Eds.), New research in education: Adult, medical & vocational (Education in a competitive and globalizing world) (pp. n/a). Nova Science Publishers Inc. ISBN: 978-1607418733 doi:  Abstract Not Available. Full Text OnlinePDF

Institute for Research and Development

Patient & Public, Involvement through MERC Programmes

Patient & Public, Involvement through MERC Programmes Multiples Engaging in Research through Culture (MERC) programme, was fielded to encourage public involvement & engagement in research. Stage 1 A cultural festival amongst twins was held at the NCEF Buddhist School, Angoda on 15th December 2009, under the theme “Art for Scientific Research”. Competitions included dancing, singing,…