Mental health of displaced and returnee populations: Insight from the Sri Lankan post-conflict experience

Journal ArticleMental health of displaced and returnee populations: Insight from the Sri Lankan post-conflict experience Chesmal Siriwardhana August 2015 Conflict and Health, Volume 9, Article 22 (2015) doi: Abstract The month of May 2015 marked the sixth year since the end of conflict in Sri Lanka. The cause of death, destruction and displacement, three decades…

The CODATwins Project: The Cohort Description of Collaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins to Study Macro-Environmental Variation in Genetic and Environmental Effects on Anthropometric Traits

Journal ArticleThe CODATwins Project: The Cohort Description of Collaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins to Study Macro-Environmental Variation in Genetic and Environmental Effects on Anthropometric Traits Karri Silventoinen, Aline Jelenkovic, Reijo Sund, Chika Honda, Sari Aaltonen, Yoshie Yokoyama, Adam D. Tarnoki, David L. Tarnoki, Feng Ning, Fuling Ji, Zengchang Pang, Juan R.…

Ethics of Public Mental Health in Developing Societies

ChapterEthics of Public Mental Health in Developing Societies Fernando, B.L., & Sumathipala, A. July 2015. J.Z. Sadler, K.W.M. Fulford, & W.(C.W.) van Staden (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of psychiatric ethics (pp. 690-710). Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-873237-2 doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198732372.013.53 Abstract Half of the world’s population lives in countries with one psychiatrist to serve 200,000 people…

The prevalence and correlates of alcohol use and alcohol use disorders: a population based study in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleThe prevalence and correlates of alcohol use and alcohol use disorders: a population based study in Colombo, Sri Lanka Helena M.S. Zavos, Sisira Siribaddana, Harriet A. Ball, Michael T. Lynskey, Athula Sumathipala, Frühling V. Rijsdijk & Matthew Hotopf July 2015 BMC Psychiatry, Volume 15, Article 158 (2015), Pages 1 – 8 doi: Abstract Background…

Rethinking Vulnerability and Research: Defining the Need for a Post-Research Ethics Audit

Journal ArticleRethinking Vulnerability and Research: Defining the Need for a Post-Research Ethics Audit Chesmal Siriwardhana June 2015 Asian Bioethics Review, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 188 – 200 doi:10.1353/asb.2015.0015 Abstract Vulnerability of research populations is a fundamental area of interest and debate in bioethics. Based on mental health research in a humanitarian setting context, I…

Impact of Economic Labour Migration: A Qualitative Exploration of Left-Behind Family Member Perspectives in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleImpact of Economic Labour Migration: A Qualitative Exploration of Left-Behind Family Member Perspectives in Sri Lanka Chesmal Siriwardhana, Kolitha Wickramage, Kaushalya Jayaweera, Anushka Adikari, Sulochana Weerawarna, Tine Van Bortel, Sisira Siribaddana & Athula Sumathipala June 2015 Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, Volume 17, Pages 885–894 doi: Abstract Sri Lanka is a major labour…

Common mental disorders among adult members of ‘left-behind’ international migrant worker families in Sri Lanka

Journal ArticleCommon mental disorders among adult members of ‘left-behind’ international migrant worker families in Sri Lanka Chesmal Siriwardhana, Kolitha Wickramage, Sisira Siribaddana, Puwalani Vidanapathirana, Buddhini Jayasekara, Sulochana Weerawarna, Gayani Pannala, Anushka Adikari, Kaushalya Jayaweera, Sharika Pieris & Athula Sumathipala March 2015 BMC Public Health, Volume 15, Article 299 (2015) doi: Abstract Background Nearly one-in-ten Sri…