Quality assurance of biospecimens for biobanking purposes: Sri Lankan Twin Registry Biobank

AbstractQuality assurance of biospecimens for biobanking purposes: Sri Lankan Twin Registry Biobank Warnakula, L., Skandhakumar, R., Madanayake, R., Jayaweera, K., Abeysinghe, M.R.N., & Sumathipala, A. 13th – 16th July 2017 Patient Engagement – Professional Enhancement, 130th Anniversary International Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, Colombo, Sri Lanka. doi: Abstract Quality assurance is a vital component…

Psychiatric Emergencies in Disaster Situations

ChapterPsychiatric Emergencies in Disaster Situations Sumathipala, A. 2017. T. Rangaswamy & L. Vijayakumar (Eds.), Emergencies in psychiatry in low- and middle-income countries (pp. 94-103). Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-315-38125-1 doi:  Excerpt Disasters are extraordinary events that cause destruction, death, displacement, disappearance, and disarray. All of these have serious and considerable implications for those who survive. There can…

පර්යේෂණ ආචාරධර්ම

Bookපර්යේෂණ ආචාරධර්ම Kodituwakku, G. 2017. සෞඛ්‍ය හා සමාජ සත්කාර පිළිබඳ පර්යේෂණ හා සංවර්ධන ආයතනය | Institute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care. ISBN: 978-955-8973-07-3 doi: මිල: රු 175.00 Abstract තේමා තුනක් අනුව පර්යේෂණ ආචාරධර්ම පැහැදිලි කරන කෘතියකි. පළමු ව පර්යේෂකයන්, පර්යේෂණ ආයතන සහ පර්යේෂණයට දත්ත ලබා දෙන සාමාජිකයන් අනුගමනය කළ යුතු පර්යේෂණ…

IOM Book

Migration Health Research to advance evidence based policy and practice in Sri Lanka

Migration Health Research to advance evidence based policy and practice in Sri Lanka The International Organization for Migration, published a book titled “Migration Health Research to advance evidence based policy and practice in Sri Lanka” , incorporating the Impact of Spouse Migration on Left Behind Families work conducted through the Institute for Research & Development…

Education & Technology Exhibition: Sabaragamuwa University

Education & Technology Exhibition: Sabaragamuwa University Involving in research work at both school and university level is the most important opportunity that students get during their early academic life. Research gives extra academic knowledge as well as ample experience about problem solving, team work and public relations. Institute for Research & Development initiated a lecture…

Introduction to Research, Sabaragamuwa University

Introduction to Research, Sabaragamuwa University Involving in research work at both school and university level is the most important opportunity that students get during their early academic life. Research gives extra academic knowledge as well as ample experience about problem solving, team work and public relations. Institute for Research & Development initiated a lecture series…

උසස් පෙළ ව්‍යාපෘති සහ විද්වත් අදහස්

Bookඋසස් පෙළ ව්‍යාපෘති සහ විද්වත් අදහස් Kodituwakku, G. 2016. සෞඛ්‍ය හා සමාජ සත්කාර පිළිබඳ පර්යේෂණ හා සංවර්ධන ආයතනය | Institute for Research & Development in Health & Social Care. ISBN: 978-955-8973-06-6 doi: මිල: රු 300.00 Abstract 1972 පාසල් විෂයමාලාවට හදුන්වා දුන් ව්‍යාපෘතිවල 2016 වන විට තිබූ නයාත්මක පසුතලය විස්තර වන හැදින්වීමකින් කෘතිය ඇරඹෙයි.  එහි දී…